Jogo De Xadrez


Mina, (Priscila Fantin) is wrongly accused of a huge financial fraud that involves millions. She is sent to one of Brazils’ most terrifying prison. In reality, she is a poor victim of a well elaborated plot organized by the powerful senator Franco, (Antonio Calloni). Senator Franco has a reputation to preserve, and this financial scandal must not come up to his office. Things become even more difficult for Nina, as she fears to rot in prison. A vast bribing campaign is opened inside, involving the prison’s director who is in charge of preventing Nina to tell the truth. But Nina is not keen to rot in prison, therefore, with Beth (Carla Marins) and Martona (Luana Xavier) her two fellow mates, together, they elaborate a fight back in order to make their voices heard regarding similar cases of unfairness. This is a case of a “not to miss “arm wrestling between an audacious women and a powerful politician. Justice must win over all….

Behind the scene